Corval Group's Core Value
Corval utilizes robust safety programs, full-circle auditable systems, and in-house custom-designed training to challenge and develop our people’s culture and knowledge. The elimination of workplace injuries/incidents/near-miss events is a company goal we strive towards. The commitment to embrace safety as our core value is fully supported by the owners, president, management, and field people.

Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP)

Site Safety Audit

Task Hazard Analysis (THA) Wheel

Positive Reinforcements (SPOT's)

Training Our People (JIT)

Haz-Com (MSDS-Online)

Stop Work Authority (SWA)

Accident Prevention Bulletin (APB)
"No one gets hurt."
John Rutledge, Safety Director, Corval Group
Corval’s safety professionals will review our client’s safety policies and procedures via ISN, Avetta, PEC, and Browz or by a provided electronic file to comply with company requirements, identify and bridge company differences. The Project Manager, Superintendent and regional Safety Manager will review the projects scope of work, identifying project risks, apply mitigations, incorporate discoveries in the SSSP and communicate to all project personnel prior to performing work.
Performed by all levels of management to ensure the workplace environment is free from recognized hazards. The SSA system is accessible through Corval Group’s Portal. When hazards are entered into the SSA an email of the identified hazard will automatically/immediately be sent to the Foreman, Superintendent, Project Manager and the Safety department to ensure the hazard has been managed & effectively mitigated.
Prior to performing construction tasks, the crew completes the THA to verify all hazards have been identified, mitigated and communicated to the crew. The THA communicates and reinforces stop work authority (SWA), tool and equipment inspections, proper PPE, and ensures employees are task trained. Corval Group has incorporated a hazard wheel which challenges the crew to think through each task and extrapolate the tasks hazards.
Situation, Behavior & Outcome (SBO’s) we refer to them as SPOT’s. All employees are encouraged to participate in the SPOT program. When a person is observed for their desired performance, the Observer will write a SPOT. The SPOT writer will describe the situation, the observed person’s behavior and the outcome/s. This process reinforces the desired behavior and perpetuates employee performance. Corval Group employees write more than 1,000 SPOT’s per month. Spots can be submitted through the portal or by paper.
We developed more than 35 customized training modules and utilize our LMS (Learning Management System) for distribution. The LMS is accessible by computer, tablet or smart phone. We want to ensure all employees have access to our trainings. Corval performs more than 10,000 hours of safety training per year.
To ensure our SDS are easily accessible and current we have an electronic vault that is managed by a 3rd party and updated daily. All our electronic devices have a link on the desktop/homepage to this service. Corval hard hats and project signage have a QR code which our employees, subs and clients can access. The 3rd party provider has on call nurses available 24-7 to assist in the event of an exposure.
Encouraged by all levels of leadership, our people are obligated to stop all unsafe conditions. Employees are praised for using SWA, we see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Corval Group’s philosophy is that all tasks can be performed injury and incident free.
Are used to communicate: Training information, incidents, near misses, policy or procedural changes, best practices, and tool or equipment recalls. All employees are required to read, sign and submit completed APB’s through the portal. APB’s are tracked and measured monthly goal.
THA’s, SSA’s, Spots and Trainings are tracked and measured. KPI reports can be generated to view the performance of an individual, project, region, sector or division. We know from experience, what gets measured gets done.
The Corval Group Orientation is required for all new hires and must be repeated annually. The Orientation defines our safety culture. We also communicate policies, procedures, state and federal agency regulations. The main focus is to have an injury and incident free working environment. The Orientation is accessible by computer, tablet or smart phone.
If a near-miss, incident or injury occurs, a Safety professional will perform a thorough investigation. The Owners, President, Business Leaders, Project Manager, Superintendent, Foremen and Safety will discuss mitigations, assign actions and communicate the event to the entire company with an APB (Accident Prevention Bulletin) through the portal and/or by sending out recorded “call-fire” messages to ensure the event thoroughly communicated and is not repeated. Depending on the severity of the event Corval will perform an internal health check of our Culture, Systems, Policies, and Procedures. If an event or near miss occurs our employees are encouraged to call the hotline number at 1-888-210-9663 (24/7).
Corval Group has monthly-defined goals based on our safety tools and the performance of our people, when those goals are obtained, we announce our success in a monthly safety scorecard and provide a companywide lunch. The goals are not impacted if an employee were to suffer an injury, we want to encourage an open reporting program.
Recent Milestones and Awards
- 1.5 Million Hours Recordable Free
- Minnesota Safety Council – Outstanding Achievement Award in Occupational Safety
- WSI ND – Certificate of Completion – Safety Action Menu Program
- TAUC - Thomas J Reynolds Award for Construction Safety and Health
- LECET Safety Driven Contractors Award of Excellence
- Minnesota Governor's Award in Occupational Safety
- 11 Million Hours No Lost Time
- AGC of North Dakota – Building Division 1st Place Safety Award over 500,000 Hours
- SMACNA – 2nd Place Safety Excellence – Lowest injury/illness rate in over 500,000 man-hour category
- Minnesota Safety Council – Award of Honor
- ABC – Platinum Level Contractor's Safety STEP Award
- AGC – Certificate of Commendation – Zero Incident Rate – 50,000 work hours & over Building Division